So, the other day, I applied to work at a yoga clothing store. Random, but this place is seriously hip. Here's what I wrote in my application:
Hi! My name is Les Rorick.
First, a story: Last week, I was riding home from the Magnificent Mile atop my trusty steel bicycle. It was dark, drizzling, and colder than I had dressed for. As I started down Walton, a street unknown to me, I shivered, hunched my shoulders and furrowed my brow - all unconscious reactions to the falling rain. My whole body was full of angst; my spirit, frustration; my mouth, grumblings. Usually, I love bike riding, but tonight brought some unwelcome obstacles. And then, I saw it. Bright white letters glowing off of the water droplets, “Life is full of setbacks. Success is determined by how you handle setbacks.” “Yeah!” I thought, “I’m not going to let this rain get me down.” I read on, “Breathe Deeply.” “Yeah!” I agreed as I slowly passed, trying to read more. Finally, I just stopped and stood there in the rain, reading quote after quote after quote. A rush of inspiration filled my spirit with happiness, which I had not pursued, but certainly had found. I walked around the building, but couldn’t figure out what it was all for. “Why are these quotes here?” I wondered. The store had clearly not opened yet, but I decided it was very kind of them to thoughtfully remind us driven city-dwellers of these deep truths about life. For the last week, as I've been cleaning my new apartment, each time I go to wipe the counter, I remember that someone will inevitably make a sandwich on it. So, I bought a lemon to make my own cleaner, and also to add to the copious amounts of water I’ve been drinking, to keep the brain sharp. Today, on Craigslist, when I came across this job opening, drooled over the recruitment advertisement and followed the link to Lululemon's webpage, the universe made sense and everything was connected: “It was those pink and white quotes that I saw!” This is the store! And they’re hiring?! Happy day!
Now, for the traditional cover letter:
Les Rorick
839 N Sacramento Blvd, #2A
Chicago, IL 60622
November 06, 2009
Lululemon Athletica
To the Human Resources Office,
I am writing to find out if I am perfect for any job openings you are currently hiring for the brand new Chicago location.
I am new to the city, as a bit of an adventure, and in pursuit of my dreams and goals. I have not had much experience with yoga, but running, cycling, swimming, rock climbing, modern dance, swing dance and musical theatre are high priority activities for me.
Working in educational and customer service positions in the past, I have found that I am very good at helping people learn about and achieve what they want in an orderly, timely and pleasant manner. I have made it a point to never let a customer or student leave my presence without getting their question answered, and if possible, helping him or her feel good about the options, decision or purchase before them.
I am very interested in discovering more about the Lululemon Athletica employment opportunities, and excited about the prospect of helping residents of Chicago achieve their goals and stay active. Thank you for your time and consideration. If you would extend to me an invitation to interview, I would be most grateful.
Les Rorick
Enclosure: Resume
They also want you to list some of your goals, since they are very serious about goal-setting. Here’s what I put.
1 Year
Personal: Transition well into Chicago. Improve my community.
Health: Sweat everyday.
Career: Maintain a steady job that can support my goals of engaging in the theatre world as an actor.
3 Year
Personal: Read 2 books every month.
Health: Stretch everyday.
Career: Enter my first year of a graduate program in Acting.
10 Year
Personal: Ride my bike across the United States, again.
Health: Actively participate in dancing, cycling and stage combat.
Career: Begin fourth year of tenure-track position at a university, while acting in or directing productions on the side.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, especially if you’re a male and especially if you’re my dad. "A YOGA STORE!??? Are there many men that even work at yoga stores?" My response to all of you dissenters: No, but there are a whole bunch of single women! Just kidding. But seriously.
I never did hear back from them. I thought my little anecdote was clever.