Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Jantzen gets married
The Road to Wisconsin
Last Wednesday, Jantzen and I drove from Chicago to Neenah, WI, where his (then) wife-to-be spent much of her childhood. Jantzen's family and the wedding party slowing trickled in, bringing a great deal of excitement, laughter and absurd group games to fruition.
Bachelor Hike & Cheese Factory
On Thursday, Jantzen's brother Jerome did a phenomenal job of putting together some activities to commemorate Jantzen's final day as a bachelor. We drove up to Lake Winnebago (at one point on an unpaved road...by "accident"), until we got to a serene trail head.
After hiking for a bit and coercing Jantzen to prove his macho-love for Jessica (see video), we had Jantzen jump from a tree branch into the arms of his groomsmen, to communicate his trust and our willingness to support him through uncertain times. Actually, we just wanted to razz him a little because he was getting married the next day, but the "trust-fall" excuse really came in handy.
After hiking, we headed to a cheese factory, which is a rare find in Wisconsin. *cough* But really, the cheese was delicious, except the squeaky cheese, which I did not care for. Also, did you know you can make Fudge Cheese? Of course not, because you can't. But Wisconsin can. And as weird as it sounds, they do a pretty good job of it.
After that, we went out to a lake, made Jantzen open a few faux gifts (one of which contained our lunch), and spent a few minutes talking about and praying for his married life.
Ceremony & Reception
On Friday, we slept in, dressed up, strutted around Wal-Mart with our tuxes on, and made our way to the church where the Loza union would be declared.
The pre-ceremony pictures were ridiculous and fantastic. Some of which included a corn field, a giant fish mailbox, a playground and a *cough* broken slide. Until the wedding began, the other groomsmen, Jantzen and myself sat in a room and (seriously) read scripture and prayed. I love how God-centered my friends are.
Anyway, because Jantzen is a photography buff, he gave each groomsman a disposable camera, in order to take pictures of him and Jessica when they kissed during the ceremony. That moment is forever immortalized. Jantzen, you are a clever man.
At the reception, after a half-chicken dinner, excellent best-man/maid-of-honor toasts and some peculiar activity with a cake and a knife, the dance floor was opened. The time that followed (approximately 4 hours) was an absolute party. When Jantzen found out that his DJ was from a "Family Friendly" group called "Rock the Flock," and that they wouldn't dare play anything by Michael Jackson or Marvin Gaye, he was really concerned that the reception would be a flop. The groomsmen and I assured him, however, that we were going to make the most of a hyper-conservative, Christian music dance party.
And make-the-most, we did. Whenever something cheesy was said, one of us yelled out (usually me), "Rock the Flock!" in utter mockery and ironic support. The more cheese, the more outrageous laughter! And we all know, Wisconsin has a lot of cheese. We did interpretive dancing, scottish line-dancing (kilts and all) and even limbo (special thanks to the bar tender for letting us use her broom handle). Toward the end, the DJ played the hardest trasher-Christian-rock I have ever heard (and didn't know existed). Each song became more and more un-danceable. But we pressed on, until finally the towel was thrown in and the flock couldn't rock any longer.
Car Decoration
Following clean up, the wedding party headed out to the parking lot to let our creative energy have a go at Jantzen's and Jessica's get away car. We tied on balloons, attached bottles to the back bumper, and tagged up the windows with lots of cutesy marriage phrases. The car was a masterpiece.
Then the whole gang, minus Jantzen and Jessica of course, drove over to Perkins (owned by the same company as Marie Calendar's) for a late night snack. Upon returning to the hotel parking lot, where Jantzen's car was located, Jerome and I found that the rain which had started only minutes before, had completely stripped away any trace of attractive decoration, leaving only a gloppy mess in it's place. We were devastated.
The next morning, as the photographer, Rob, and I were getting ready to head back to Chicago, we came across Jerome in the parking lot re-doing the car decorations. This guy really was the best man! Rob and I were happy to help Jerome redeem the disaster, so that Jantzen and Jessica wouldn't be left wondering why the wedding party trashed their car the night before.
The Road to Chicago
Rob and I headed back to Chicago, passing numerous farms, lots of dairy-producing animals, and sharing memories of Jantzen, our own life adventures and heartaches.
My wedding trip to Wisconsin was truly a happy time. Patrick, Andrew, Jerome and I were so honored to stand next to our man Jantzen. He and Jessica will do well, because they are obedient to the voice of Christ. May your love be divine.
Bachelor Hike & Cheese Factory
On Thursday, Jantzen's brother Jerome did a phenomenal job of putting together some activities to commemorate Jantzen's final day as a bachelor. We drove up to Lake Winnebago (at one point on an unpaved road...by "accident"), until we got to a serene trail head.
After hiking for a bit and coercing Jantzen to prove his macho-love for Jessica (see video), we had Jantzen jump from a tree branch into the arms of his groomsmen, to communicate his trust and our willingness to support him through uncertain times. Actually, we just wanted to razz him a little because he was getting married the next day, but the "trust-fall" excuse really came in handy.
After hiking, we headed to a cheese factory, which is a rare find in Wisconsin. *cough* But really, the cheese was delicious, except the squeaky cheese, which I did not care for. Also, did you know you can make Fudge Cheese? Of course not, because you can't. But Wisconsin can. And as weird as it sounds, they do a pretty good job of it.
After that, we went out to a lake, made Jantzen open a few faux gifts (one of which contained our lunch), and spent a few minutes talking about and praying for his married life.
Ceremony & Reception
On Friday, we slept in, dressed up, strutted around Wal-Mart with our tuxes on, and made our way to the church where the Loza union would be declared.
The pre-ceremony pictures were ridiculous and fantastic. Some of which included a corn field, a giant fish mailbox, a playground and a *cough* broken slide. Until the wedding began, the other groomsmen, Jantzen and myself sat in a room and (seriously) read scripture and prayed. I love how God-centered my friends are.
Anyway, because Jantzen is a photography buff, he gave each groomsman a disposable camera, in order to take pictures of him and Jessica when they kissed during the ceremony. That moment is forever immortalized. Jantzen, you are a clever man.
At the reception, after a half-chicken dinner, excellent best-man/maid-of-honor toasts and some peculiar activity with a cake and a knife, the dance floor was opened. The time that followed (approximately 4 hours) was an absolute party. When Jantzen found out that his DJ was from a "Family Friendly" group called "Rock the Flock," and that they wouldn't dare play anything by Michael Jackson or Marvin Gaye, he was really concerned that the reception would be a flop. The groomsmen and I assured him, however, that we were going to make the most of a hyper-conservative, Christian music dance party.
And make-the-most, we did. Whenever something cheesy was said, one of us yelled out (usually me), "Rock the Flock!" in utter mockery and ironic support. The more cheese, the more outrageous laughter! And we all know, Wisconsin has a lot of cheese. We did interpretive dancing, scottish line-dancing (kilts and all) and even limbo (special thanks to the bar tender for letting us use her broom handle). Toward the end, the DJ played the hardest trasher-Christian-rock I have ever heard (and didn't know existed). Each song became more and more un-danceable. But we pressed on, until finally the towel was thrown in and the flock couldn't rock any longer.
Car Decoration
Following clean up, the wedding party headed out to the parking lot to let our creative energy have a go at Jantzen's and Jessica's get away car. We tied on balloons, attached bottles to the back bumper, and tagged up the windows with lots of cutesy marriage phrases. The car was a masterpiece.
Then the whole gang, minus Jantzen and Jessica of course, drove over to Perkins (owned by the same company as Marie Calendar's) for a late night snack. Upon returning to the hotel parking lot, where Jantzen's car was located, Jerome and I found that the rain which had started only minutes before, had completely stripped away any trace of attractive decoration, leaving only a gloppy mess in it's place. We were devastated.
The next morning, as the photographer, Rob, and I were getting ready to head back to Chicago, we came across Jerome in the parking lot re-doing the car decorations. This guy really was the best man! Rob and I were happy to help Jerome redeem the disaster, so that Jantzen and Jessica wouldn't be left wondering why the wedding party trashed their car the night before.
The Road to Chicago
Rob and I headed back to Chicago, passing numerous farms, lots of dairy-producing animals, and sharing memories of Jantzen, our own life adventures and heartaches.
My wedding trip to Wisconsin was truly a happy time. Patrick, Andrew, Jerome and I were so honored to stand next to our man Jantzen. He and Jessica will do well, because they are obedient to the voice of Christ. May your love be divine.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
No-sleep weekend, pt 4
Monday? Yes, I know, Monday is not part of the traditional weekend...but it was the weekend for us the Alvarez-Ward-Rorick-Becher-Switz household.
DePaul University Informational Meeting.I made an appointment on Monday to meet with an DePaul University's School of Theatre. The MFA program there, for which I see myself as a prospective student, seems to be absolutely wonderful. It is well-rounded, diverse and champions a "learn by doing" philosophy. The instructors seem professional and qualified. The opportunities to perform are plentiful. The freedom and creativity to grow as an actor or director seems tremendous.
This is only my first glimpse of an MFA program, but I am not counting DePaul out of the mix. They accept only 10 acting students and 2 directing students each year. I would be applying for Fall '10 or '11, after I get a year or two of experience under my belt.
Next week, I will visit Northwestern. May God light my way.
Beach Day is a Alvarez-Ward tradition that I was happy to be a part of. The beach is very different than Huntington Beach. The size is much smaller and the life-guard to swimmer ratio is out of this world. No one is going under the waves on Chicago's Gold Coast.
Jantzen Loza appeared in Chicago on Monday night. He is a dear friend from college, who loves God, justice & beauty. He knows me well, listens to my heart and asks brilliant questions. We had a great time catching up, dreaming, eating pizza and talking about his up-coming wedding.
I will be in Wisconsin, for Jantzen's Wedding until late Friday night.
More posts, pictures and videos to come. Keep commenting and writing letters.
beach day,
jantzen loza,
paul switz
No-sleep weekend, pt 3
The morning kicked off with a visit to Covenant Presbyterian Church of Chicago, with Justin.
After which, my long-time, dear friend, David Calvillo showed up to visit. {if you're sensing a theme of people visiting me, you are correct in your observation. Don't let the trend die! Buy your ticket today!}
We all went to see Harry Potter and then headed to Missio Dei Church's evening service. How amazing it was to worship God once more, together with Raul and Paul. "Thy Kingdom Come"
Margie's Candies is a renown Candy & Ice Cream Parlor in Chicago. Our after-church crew grabbed some ice cream sundaes and enjoyed them outside, because this place is apparently always packed.
The morning kicked off with a visit to Covenant Presbyterian Church of Chicago, with Justin.
After which, my long-time, dear friend, David Calvillo showed up to visit. {if you're sensing a theme of people visiting me, you are correct in your observation. Don't let the trend die! Buy your ticket today!}
Me and David in Chicago!
We all went to see Harry Potter and then headed to Missio Dei Church's evening service. How amazing it was to worship God once more, together with Raul and Paul. "Thy Kingdom Come"
post church meal @ Sultan's. Lots of lamb and falafel.
Margie's Candies is a renown Candy & Ice Cream Parlor in Chicago. Our after-church crew grabbed some ice cream sundaes and enjoyed them outside, because this place is apparently always packed.
Margie's Candies
Kelly, Keighty & Gretchen
Paul, Me & Raul
For anyone who doesn't believe it is tropical in Chicago, take a look at this picture.
A Palm Tree Grows in Chicago.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
No-sleep Weekend, pt 2
Then, the "Les, Welcome to Chicago Party!," where I met so many generous and happy people. I had a number of people offer to help me and connect me to all sorts of great things. One girl is getting me into all the Chicago museums for free, a guy might have a guitar i can borrow, some one else knows where I can get a bike for cheap, and most significantly, a casting director at the party told me some promising information about getting involved in the Chicago theatre community.
Paul! In Chicago!?
As Raul and I decided what to do with our free Saturday, Paul Switz walked through the door to my utter surprise!
First, we went to Giordano's Stuffed Pizza, then to Millennium Park and to China town, so Paul could translate, and back home where we reminisced over some high school and college pictures.
First, we went to Giordano's Stuffed Pizza, then to Millennium Park and to China town, so Paul could translate, and back home where we reminisced over some high school and college pictures.
Seriously, stuffed with pounds of cheese
Then, the "Les, Welcome to Chicago Party!," where I met so many generous and happy people. I had a number of people offer to help me and connect me to all sorts of great things. One girl is getting me into all the Chicago museums for free, a guy might have a guitar i can borrow, some one else knows where I can get a bike for cheap, and most significantly, a casting director at the party told me some promising information about getting involved in the Chicago theatre community.
The capstone of the party was our trip to the only Del Taco in Chicago, 40 minutes away.
What an adventure! especially when Raul got sick.
china town,
del taco,
paul switz
No-sleep weekend, pt 1
what happened this weekend? everything. let me explain...
Also, as mentioned in the last post, I gave blood. You should to. Give the gift of life. Someday, you or someone you love may need some.
Justin Botz and i hit the town hard.
1. We went to Cafe Descartes, and enjoyed beverages with the great philosophers...or at least, their pictures
2. Then, we went to a free concert in the park. and this was no boy-scout symphony. It was the professional Grant Park orchestra, performing "Spartacus."
3. Then, we met up with Raul, Keighty, Kelly and other friends at the Two Way Lounge, which has an amazing juke-box and cheap beverages.
Also, as mentioned in the last post, I gave blood. You should to. Give the gift of life. Someday, you or someone you love may need some.
Give to your community. |
Grant Park,
Justin Botz,
Two Way Lounge
Friday, July 17, 2009
I live in Chicago.
send me a letter. i will write you back.
1437 N Cleaver St., Apt 3E
Chicago, IL 60622
so far, i have done a great many things. i have...
- walked an average of 4 hours a day
- gone the wrong direction 3 times
- visited 2 theaters
- made an appointment to meet with an MFA in theatre program admissions counselor
- successfully gave blood in under 10 minutes
- explored 1 museum and 1 zoo
- ridden a bike during the day and during the night
- eaten premeir cuisine from a chef
- watched 2 free outdoor symphonies
- bev'd at 2 coffee shops and 2 bars
- taken the elevated train/subway 6 times
- interacted with 30+ strangers
- had an absolute blast all the time
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